Coping with overweight strategies, self-esteem and body-esteem in the context of transactional analysis
Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2014, Vol 48, Issue 3
Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the ego-state of obese people in terms of transactional analysis and to determine the relationship between coping with overweight strategies, Ego-structure, global self-esteem, and body self-esteem levels. Methods: One-hundred-seventy-one overweight and obese adult females were examined by a general practitioner and a specialist in obesity management. The ego-state, global self-esteem, and body self-esteem were assessed using the Ego State Questionnaire (ESQ), the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory, and the Body-Esteem Scale, respectively. Results: Participants were divided into three subgroups: A – no attempts at weight loss currently (35.1%), B – self-attempted weight loss (33.9%), C – professional obesity treatment (31.0%). Age, education level, professional status, marital status, and number of children, along with the onset of being overweight/obese were similar in all subgroups. Subgroups B and C statistically and significantly made frequent attempts at weight loss (p<0.001) and experienced yo-yo effect (p<0.001) more than subgroup A. Effective weight loss attempts were observed significantly more often in subgroups C (p<0.001). Only mean lies scale results were significantly higher in subgroups A and C compared to B (p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively). While self-esteem, sexual attractiveness, weight concern, physical condition and ego-states were similar in all study subgroups. Conclusions: Structure of the Ego-states, self-esteem and body-esteem did not influence the strategies of coping with overweight. Self-esteem is related to spontaneous Ego-child and Ego-adult levels, while the sense of sexual attractiveness is affected only by Ego- spontaneous child.
Authors and Affiliations
Monika Bąk-Sosnowska, Beata Naworska, Aleksander Owczarek, Jerzy Chudek, Violetta Skrzypulec-Plinta, Magdalena Olszanecka-Glinianowicz
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