Cossack antiquities in materials of explorations of DNU expedition


The inspection of monuments of the Dnieper rapids had been started in 2013 and was continued by archaeological expedition of the Dnipropetrovsk National University (the head of expedition − prof. Romashko V. A.). Explored territory covered Dnepropetrovsk district of Dnepropetrovsk region. 21 objects were inspected, materials from ХVІІ−ХVІІІ centuries were found out on two of them. Occupation layer near the Kamenka village identify with the settlement of the same name. In 2010 the monument has partly excavated. The pottery, forged iron nails, edges of the knives, shtofs and windows made by glazier were found there. The fragments of the pottery, ceramic tiles with floral ornament come from destroyed occupation layer of the Stari Kodaky village neighborhood. There are examples with a green glaze. Materials of monuments have the analogies in the collections of the Bogoroditska fortress and the Popov Mys village. The received data extend the conceptions of monuments of the Cossack period in the Low Prisamar’ye.

Authors and Affiliations

Zoia Marina, Volodymyr Romashko


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  • EP ID EP202590
  • DOI 10.15421/261620
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How To Cite

Zoia Marina, Volodymyr Romashko (2016). Cossack antiquities in materials of explorations of DNU expedition. Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія Історія та археологія., 24(1), 125-128.