Country-legal treatment of WUPR as a phenomenon of European history


Goal. The purpose of the study is to analyze the state-building activities of the leaders of the WUPR, to highlight the process of formation and transformation of a pro-European pro-European state system in the territory of Eastern Galicia during the national liberation revolution of 1918-1923. Methodology. The methodological basis of the article forms a number of principles and methods of state-legal research, among which prevail historical, chronological, hermeneutical and functional with the help of which we were able to determine the vector of development of state-legal institutes of the WUPR. Among the special legal methods in the work used comparative legal and formal legal. Results. The most significant results we received personally as a result of the complex analysis of the problem are that the article first defined the process of formation of state institutes of the WUPR in the context of European state formation, pointed out to the phenomenal nature of the processes that took place in Eastern Galicia. Scientific novelty. The publication, based on a deep analysis of state-building processes in the WUPR, substantiates the conclusion about the national liberation nature of the revolution, and the processes of constitutionation of the WUPR are exclusively democratic and popular. Practical significance. The significance of scientific results and conclusions for the theory and practice of state-legal research is to facilitate the further study of the history of the WUPR in the civilization-legal dimension.

Authors and Affiliations

С. Сворак


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How To Cite

С. Сворак (2018). Country-legal treatment of WUPR as a phenomenon of European history. Науково-інформаційний вісник Івано-Франківського університету права імені Короля Данила Галицького: Журнал. Серія Право., 2(6), 31-37.