Creating of the new directions of pharmaceutical science and education based on publications in «Pharmaceutical journal»

Journal Title: Фармацевтичний журнал - Year 2015, Vol 5, Issue 5


In the article were analyzed the publications on issues of pharmacoeconomics and pharmaceutical information on the pages of «Pharmaceutical Journal», published in Kiev in 1928, in the historical aspect. The purpose of this study was to summarize the role and significance of scientific publications in the «Pharmaceutical Journal» as a systemic factor for the formation of scientific areas and education in pharmacy, the introduction of new disciplines. It proved that «Pharmaceutical Journal» published the articles about the innovative directions of development of science and education, particularly pharmaceutical information (science) and pharmacoeconomics were introduced in high school in Ukraine. The analysis of pharmaceutical information based on the State Pharmacopoeia using techniques of computer science, as well as historical, bibliographic. It is proved that not only formalizes Pharmacopoeia, standardizes the requirements for medicinal products, but also is a generalized model of a fixed state of pharmaceutical science (pharmaceutical knowledge). Using the mathematical methods of information theory it was proved that the integrated quantity of information in pharmacy VII edition Pharmacopoeia was 13,200 bits and edition X already 22500 bits. Increasing the amount of new information (knowledge) in the X edition of the Pharmacopoeia (1968) was 14,000 bits. Was presented the implementation of new directions of the discipline «Pharmacoeconomics» in Ukraine. The analysis of publications in 1998–2002 showed that their number has increased by 7.3 times, with the greatest number of these articles on pharmacoeconomics were published in «Pharmaceutical Journal», which since 2001 has operated regular section «Pharmacoeconomics». Systematic implementation of educational programs, textbooks on pharmacoeconomics in undergraduate and postgraduate training of pharmacists was conducted in the period of 2000–2004, and after defending the doctoral dissertation on the theory and practice of pharmacoeconomics in Ukraine, were began intensive research to develop and adaption of pharmacoeconomic analysis for common diseases in Ukraine. The method of implementation of the system of educational programs, textbooks on pharmacoeconomics in undergraduate and postgraduate training of pharmacists in the period of 2000–2004, and post-doctoral dissertation on the theory and practice of pharmacoeconomics in Ukraine, was began an active research to develop and adapt the methodology of pharmacoeconomical analysis of common diseases in Ukraine. Currently pharmacoeconomical methods and models were developed in the 32 PhD and 4 doctoral thesis in Lviv, Kharkiv, Kyiv and other universities. Also, the analysis of the reference book «Lexicon of pharmaceutical synonyms» (published 1892–1918), containing data on 6 914 used medicines in 4 languages – Polish, German, English and Russian, presented in alphabetical order. It is proved that a studying of the State Pharmacopoeia, handbooks on medicines, database of evidence-based pharmacy are needed to identify promising areas of management and economic researches, pharmaceutical development of new drugs, including herbal medicines, for the development of pharmaceutical science and practice.

Authors and Affiliations

B. L. Parnovskyy, O. M. Zaliska, O. V. Brezden


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How To Cite

B. L. Parnovskyy, O. M. Zaliska, O. V. Brezden (2015). Creating of the new directions of pharmaceutical science and education based on publications in «Pharmaceutical journal». Фармацевтичний журнал, 5(5), 36-43.