Crimes of the VUChK personnel and their growth in 1919−1922 (from the documents of the Katerynoslav provincial emergency commission)


The author has identified the causes of crime VUChK staff of 1919−1922. In the 1919−1922 most crimes of VUChK staff were made for profit. Officials crimes were committed because of the low level of the material condition of staff VUChK. Excess of official powers be explained by the lack of regulatory framework, low professional and cultural level VUChK staff. The author believes that in this period of great importance was the factor of "revolutionary euphoria" that would justify the use of any means "in the name of ideals of the revolution". In some cases, there have been psychic pathologies of professionals. Another cause of the majority of official crimes was the excessive use of alcoholic drinks. The fight against crime VUChK staff was not always successful. But the fight against crime officers always been a systematic character and did not allowed this social evils to transformed into a global problem. Often the effectiveness of the fight against crimes VUChK staff has been reduced because of factors such as too lenient sentences and connivance, particularly in cases of unscrupulous performance of official duties.

Authors and Affiliations

Vyacheslav Slivenko


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  • EP ID EP321153
  • DOI 10.15421/261707
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How To Cite

Vyacheslav Slivenko (2017). Crimes of the VUChK personnel and their growth in 1919−1922 (from the documents of the Katerynoslav provincial emergency commission). Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія Історія та археологія., 25(1), 66-71.