Criteria of performance of international scientific cooperation of energy enterprises

Journal Title: Економічний аналіз - Year 2018, Vol 28, Issue 1


The importance of international scientific cooperation in the field of energy is considered in the article. The participation of domestic energy enterprises in international scientific cooperation on issues of nuclear and alternative energy, as well as in the oil and gas and coal industry is characterised. The criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of international scientific cooperation of energy enterprises are determined. The indexes for determining the level of the effectiveness of international scientific cooperation of energy enterprises for scientific and technological, financial and economic, marketing, social and economic and environmental criteria are proposed.

Authors and Affiliations

Valerii Turianytsia


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How To Cite

Valerii Turianytsia (2018). Criteria of performance of international scientific cooperation of energy enterprises. Економічний аналіз, 28(1), 265-269.