Critical Reception of the Novels by Graham Greene Concerning the Genre
Journal Title: Вісник Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка - Year 2016, Vol 83, Issue 1
The article provides an overview of scientific and critical literature on the novels by Graham Greene, identifying debatability of genre definition as for his later works. In fact, according to the present review, one and the same Greene’s novel can be regarded by different researchers as a social or socio-political, psychological, or a ''faith'' novel, etc. The study showed that this disagreement can be explained by synthetic (hybrid) genre nature, typical for Greene’s later novels. Moreover, genre fusion allowed Greene to form a specific multi-genre model in his novels of the late period. In order to clarify Greene’s creative method, as well as his artistic and aesthetic preferences, the research implied the employment of not only traditional approaches in the study of poetics of his later novels, but also the principles of conceptual fusion. Such fusion is usually characterized by additional genre elements secondary to the main dominant genre, intrinsically interweaving with each other and contributing to a deeper and multidimensional interpretation of the author's artistic intention and providing his works with ideological, semantic and aesthetic variety. Thus, the analysis revealed a new quality of genre structure in Greene's later novels, namely an unexceptional presence of several genre dominants or their elements.
Authors and Affiliations
V. B. Kalnytska
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