Crop Diversification in Dindigul District – a Temporal Analysis
Journal Title: International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research (IJASR) - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 5
Dindigul has a semi and tropical monsoon type, which is suitable for various crops. During the past decade, the area under paddy and irrigated groundnut has been reduced by -82.18% and -83.8%, respectively. Based on the area growth rates of important crops in these blocks, it is evident that, the crops having the major shares like paddy and groundnut have grown negatively and the crops like pulses, maize, fruits, coconut, vegetables have grown positively over the years. Diversification index value clearly indicates that, the crop diversification has taken place over the years in these blocks. The extent level of area under paddy will decline from 1607.28 ha (2015-16) to 713.30 ha (2020-21), and also the extensive level of area under groundnut will decline from 269.49 ha (2015-16) to 126.28 ha (2020-21).
Authors and Affiliations
E. Sathyapriya, Rexlin Selvin
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