Culture and authority
Journal Title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem - Year 2019, Vol 11, Issue 1
Authority – even though the title of this paper may suggest so – is not a phenomenon opposing culture. It is actually a product of culture or, as sometimes said, of the achievements of civilisation. Since authority is a product of culture, it may not be treated as a phenomenon isolated from it, without any ties with cultural patterns, which may – as a result – act as determinants of the institutional and functional qualities of authority. Culture and its products (including knowledge, law, religion, morality, etc.), like other social phenomena, can become factors stimulating the exercise of authority, or act as factors to stabilise or curb this exercise within the framework of the patterns (norms) it has created. Societies make constant choices in terms of adopting, modifying, and rejecting various cultural patterns.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Waldemar Jan Wołpiuk
Z refleksji nad krytyką prawa
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