Culture of school improvement: Exploring its existence and effectiveness
Journal Title: Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 2
Abstract: This study seeks to investigate the existence and effectiveness of various forms of culture of school improvement in a secondary school. This school was selected as, it was labelled as a low performing school. Quantitative research design was employed for this study. The teachers were the participants, who voluntarily completed the School Cultural Elements Questionnaire. The findings suggested that out of six, culture of school improvement, only two existed and were positive. The other four did not exist or were very weak. The outcome could be helpful for the administrators of school for uplifting their school culture. There are limitations associated with the finding, as this study just concentrated on a single school, future studies can include more schools from the district. Keywords: school culture, culture of professional values, culture of emphasis on learning, culture of collegiality, culture of collaboration, culture of shared planning, culture of transformational leadership
Authors and Affiliations
Nilesh Anish Narayan
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