Current status of haemodialysis in a tertiary care government hospital
Journal Title: Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue 1
Background: An effort is made to get demographic picture of patients undergoing haemodialysis in a tertiary care hospital. Even though, there are various studies on haemodialysis in western countries less is documented in India. Objective: So we carried out a study in our set up to know the indications, incidences and types of dialysis catheters used in dialysis units of our district government hospital setup. Methods: This prospective study was conducted in dialysis units of a government district hospital from October 2014 to September 2015. 110 patients were selected by convenient random sampling. Patient age, sex, history, type of kidney disease and associated conditions were also noted according to the proforma. Datas were collected and tabulated. Percentage distribution was calculated. Result: Male patients (68.5%) were more than female patients. Majority of patents were in the age group of 66-75 group. Maximum number of patients were diabetic (39.6%) followed by hypertension and various infectious diseases like Leptospirosis, gastroenteritis etc. Patients for haemodialysis were more in chronic kidney diseases than acute kidney diseases. In chronic kidney diseases internal jugular vein catheter was more commonly used whereas in acute cases femoral catheter was more common. Conclusion: It is found out that increased incidence of haemodialysis in older age group is due to increased incidence of diabetes and hypertension in old ages.
Authors and Affiliations
Shyamala K. V. , Venu Gopala D.
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