Customer Attitude And Satisfaction Towards Direct Marketing Of Amway Products-A Study With Special Refereence To Theni District-Tamil Nadu
Journal Title: International Journal of Business and Management Invention - Year 2017, Vol 6, Issue 12
India is a major hub for most of the direct selling companies in the world and is going to be one of the biggest markets in the world as population is one of the major factors in the growth of industries. Without doubt, India has greatest potential for direct sales in the world. The direct selling strategy of Amway is quitedifferent from the business administration of gentral enterprises although it can save the company a lot of cost, inspite of being accompanied with uncertain risks. Amway focuses on organisation first, determines its potential customer desires and then builds the product service. Amway started operation inIndia in 1998. Today 90% of the products are made through contract manufacturing. This paper aims to study the customer attitude and satisfaction towards direct marketing with reference to Amway products in Theni district. This study also revealed the reason for buying the Amway product with factor analyses. Random sampling and convenience sampling are used for the study. The technique used for data collection is questionnaire. The study covered about 300 respondents belonging to Theni district only. Tools and techniques used are simple percentage, Chi squaretest, Garret ranking andfactor analysis.
Authors and Affiliations
1*Dr. V. Kannan, M. Com. ,
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