Cybersexual activity
Journal Title: European Journal of Medical Technologies - Year 2016, Vol 12, Issue 3
Sexuality affects all people at every stage of their lives and is a sphere, which is a matter of debate and controversy, particularly when carried out in another space than before, namely in the „virtual reality“. Any kind of sexual activity takes place in cyberspace, called cybersex. In a narrower sense cybersex is defined as the exchange of text describing sexual fantasies, which may be accompanied by masturbation, use of materials with sexual content with the intention of obtaining sexual excitement. Cybersex addiction leads to serious consequences, which can include difficulty establishing contacts, disturbed emotional processes, objectification of partners, compulsive sexual disorders in children, conflicts. Moreover, addicts feel isolated and abandoned. There is therefore a need for rapid reaction on the part of parents, guardians, educators, health professionals to identify addicts and implementation of appropriate therapy.
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Sulima, Anna Skorek, Seymour Roworth-Stokes, Grzegorz Bakalczuk
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