Intra-rater reliability of TMJ joint vibration – a pilot study
Journal Title: European Journal of Medical Technologies - Year 2017, Vol 14, Issue 1
Introduction: Joint Vibration Analysis (JVA) is based on simple principles of motion and friction and is used to the diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders. The efficacy of diagnostic modalities of JVA, assessed by reliability, need to be proved. Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the intra-rater reliability of TMJ joint vibration. Material and methods: Thirty-two healthy subjects (14 men and 18 women; mean age 28.4±7.4) were recruited. The BioJVA Joint Vibration Analysis, compatible with BioPAK Measurement System, was used for the recording as the electrovibratography. The vibrations were recorded in two sessions with 15 minutes of rest between measurements. IBM SPSS STATISTICS 21 program was used to prepare the statistical analysis. For the determination the intra-rater reliability of TMJ joint vibration, intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and 95% Confidence Interval (95% CI) were used. Results: Total integral variables, peak amplitude for both sides and median frequency for right side showed excellent reliability across two sessions (ICC: >0.75). The peak frequency, distance to CO for both sides, median frequency for the left side and the ratio of >300/<300 Hz for right side showed fair/good reliability (ICC: 0.4-0.75). The ratio of >300/<300 Hz for left side showed poor reliability (ICC:<0.4). Conclusions: The JVA measurements were qualitatively similar over both sessions. To evaluate the diagnostic value of JVA in patients with temporomandibular disorders, studies need to be continued.
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Bakalczuk, Marcin Berger, Michał Ginszt, Jacek Szkutnik, Solomiia Sorochynska, Piotr Majcher
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