Czarna perła. Kino popularne między kolonializmem a nowoczesnością
Journal Title: Kultura Popularna - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 47
Black pearl (1934), a Polish film directed by Michał Waszyński was inspired by Eugeniusz Bodo, Polish celebrity of interwar period. The film was a reflection of his romance with Anne Chevalier ‘Reri’, the main character in Tabu (1931), the last Friedrich Murnau’s film. Black pearl tells a story of transoceanic romance between a local girl and Polish sailor. Waszyński and Bodo adapt several themes from Murnau’s Tabu and they create adventurous, melodramatic story. The film illustrates a process of cultural translation that paraphrases ethnographic curiosity of modernity. Referring to Miriam Hansen’s and Siegfried Kracauer’s concept, I prove that Black pearl concerns the problems of class, race and colonialism. Waszyński’s film merges together various aspects of particular Polish experience after restoring independence in 1918 and before World War II. The experience consists of global phenomena such as mass culture, daily routine modernization, social change and local vibe that follows building new country, creating national identity, struggling against economic inequality and marginalization complex. Surprisingly, a part of this experience was a faith in possibility of becoming a world power and a colonial player.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Oliwia Mimi Bosomtwe
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