The present article is an attempt to examine
the projects of modern Toruń artist Elżbieta
Jabłońska entitled Home games and Supermatka,
co-creating a kind of cycle that his eloquence
both fits perfectly into the discussi...
In recent years, the dynamic development of tourism has been remarkable. Nowadays more and more people travel for the purpose of tourism farther and more frequently. As a response to this situation, some people have deci...
EP ID EP52734
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How To Cite
Dominika Czerniawska (2015). Metodologiczne wyzwania badania kompetencji medialnych i cyfrowych generacji 50+. Kultura Popularna, 3(41),
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Kompetencje medialne pracowników w dobie social media
(Super)matka wcielona w superbohatera(kę). O Grach domowych I Supermatkach Elżbiety Jabłońskiej.
The present article is an attempt to examine the projects of modern Toruń artist Elżbieta Jabłońska entitled Home games and Supermatka, co-creating a kind of cycle that his eloquence both fits perfectly into the discussi...
Refleksyjne ciała. Popkulturowe narracje o pięknie
Celebryci, celebrytki - wprowadzenie
Wprowadzenie do numeru<br/><br/>
Być jak Tony Halik. Społeczno-kulturowe determinanty wyłonienia się kategorii travelbrytów
In recent years, the dynamic development of tourism has been remarkable. Nowadays more and more people travel for the purpose of tourism farther and more frequently. As a response to this situation, some people have deci...