Romans, jedzenie i zbrodnia. Nawiązania do tradycji seder w filmach Woody’ego Allena

Journal Title: Kultura Popularna - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 56


Passover is one of the most important Jewish holidays. It starts with dinner - Seder. Family gathered on this day drink red wine as a symbol of freedom and happiness. They eat matzo - flat bread to remember that Hebrews left Egypt grabbing unready bread leaven. The central place of the table is taken by the Seder plate with zeroa – shank bone, beitzah – roasted, hard – boiled egg, karpas – a vegetable, maror – bitter herbs, chazeret – bitter vegetable, charoset – sweet dessert. Most of described traditional dishes are visible in Seder scene of films Crimes and Misdemeanours (1989) and Café Society (2016) by Woody Allen. In both films the extended families are gathered together. Their members’ personalities reflect symbols of Seder dishes.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Kamila Kalista


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How To Cite

Kamila Kalista (2018). Romans, jedzenie i zbrodnia. Nawiązania do tradycji seder w filmach Woody’ego Allena. Kultura Popularna, 2(56), 88-100.