Despite her young age, Malala Yousafzai is an icon, who wants to be perceived as quite an ordinary girl at the same time. Malala bravely uses her voice, also on the international arena, especially regarding access to edu...
Tracing the stories of Japanese picture brides, a generation of Japanese women who arrived in San Francisco in the early 1900’s for arranged marriages, and their American lives, Julie Otsuka’s novel The Buddha in the Att...
Malala: wybrana czy jedna z wielu? Narracje najmłodszej laureatki pokojowej nagrody Nobla
Despite her young age, Malala Yousafzai is an icon, who wants to be perceived as quite an ordinary girl at the same time. Malala bravely uses her voice, also on the international arena, especially regarding access to edu...
Kompetencje medialne. Cały numer
Street art w świetle teorii autonomicznej sztuki Clementa Greenberga
Refleksyjne ciała. Popkulturowe narracje o pięknie
Domesticity and Immigrant Women’s Labor in Julie Otsuka’s The Buddha in the Attic
Tracing the stories of Japanese picture brides, a generation of Japanese women who arrived in San Francisco in the early 1900’s for arranged marriages, and their American lives, Julie Otsuka’s novel The Buddha in the Att...