Ewelina Wejbert‑Wąsiewicz
The topic of the article is music that is strongly connected to the history of post-war, Polish again, Wroclaw — the city and its cultural, social and political landscape. This includes not only songs composed by artists...
Ewelina Wejbert‑Wąsiewicz (2015). Współczesny teatr polski wobec aborcji. Kultura Popularna, 2(44), 40-50. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-80332
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Emancypacja kobiet w okresie lat 60. i 70. na łamach czasopisma „Kobieta i Życie”
Youtube.Doc. Dokument otwarty na wpisy amatorów.
A jeśli nie "wrocławska piosenka", to co?
The topic of the article is music that is strongly connected to the history of post-war, Polish again, Wroclaw — the city and its cultural, social and political landscape. This includes not only songs composed by artists...
Bruce Lee na miarę naszych możliwości. Wschodnie sztuki walki w kulturze PRL‑u. Rekonesans