The author presents a history and the contemporaryfunctioning of the nineteenth‑centuryinvention: the stethoscope. It is both an object,or a tool (used in medicine and forensicscience) and a medium, which in the course o...
The paper is an analysis of an intertextual relationship between “The Landscape Chamber”, a story by Sarah Orne Jewett of 1887, and Poe’s “Fall of the House of Usher” in terms of Gérard Genette’s theory of the literary p...
The paper focuses on the category of resilience as it refers to the capacity of socio-political systems to withstand stress or to adapt to it. Invoking resilience enables a multifaceted reading of the TV series Homeland...
Przez wieki człowiek borykał się (i nadal boryka się) z wieloma problemami i lękami, jako istota niedoskonała nie potrafił (i nadal nie potrafi) sam sobie z nimi poradzić. Campbell pisał, iż bohater plemienny czy lokalny...
EP ID EP52663
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How To Cite
Justyna Bucknall‑Hołyńska (2013). Trudna sprawa z docusoap czyli patologia życia codziennego. Kultura Popularna, 1(35),
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Uroki auskultacji, czyli krótka historia stetoskopu
The author presents a history and the contemporaryfunctioning of the nineteenth‑centuryinvention: the stethoscope. It is both an object,or a tool (used in medicine and forensicscience) and a medium, which in the course o...
The Rise of the House of Usher: The Landscape Chamber by Sarah Orne Jewett as a Textual Palimpsest
The paper is an analysis of an intertextual relationship between “The Landscape Chamber”, a story by Sarah Orne Jewett of 1887, and Poe’s “Fall of the House of Usher” in terms of Gérard Genette’s theory of the literary p...
Zwrot historyczny. Cały numer
Homeland and Resilience: Immunitas, Katechon, the Uncanny, and Trauma’s Displacement
The paper focuses on the category of resilience as it refers to the capacity of socio-political systems to withstand stress or to adapt to it. Invoking resilience enables a multifaceted reading of the TV series Homeland...
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Przez wieki człowiek borykał się (i nadal boryka się) z wieloma problemami i lękami, jako istota niedoskonała nie potrafił (i nadal nie potrafi) sam sobie z nimi poradzić. Campbell pisał, iż bohater plemienny czy lokalny...