Experiencing the world though lips, as the newborn does it by sucking the mother's breast,
is comforting the intensive stimulation of hunger, so eating provides relief, fulfills the need of not only repletion but also o...
Nowadays a significant amount of work is office work. How it is performed is determined by both applied techniques of human resources management and organization of workspace; both these factors relate to each other. The...
This article pays attention to rhetorical argumentation used in the press of the interwar period to describe summer resorts near Warsaw. In what ways holiday trips to such resorts were accounted for? What meanings were a...
The paper aims at examining the significance
of new media for redefining meanings of social
competences. As social actors witness new social
situations in the technologically mediated
world, they start seeking for altern...
EP ID EP52763
Views 59
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How To Cite
Piotr G. Górniak (2015). Głód życia. Dwa oblicza pożerania w malarstwie René Magritte’a. Kultura Popularna, 4(42),
-. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-52763
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Experiencing the world though lips, as the newborn does it by sucking the mother's breast, is comforting the intensive stimulation of hunger, so eating provides relief, fulfills the need of not only repletion but also o...
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This article pays attention to rhetorical argumentation used in the press of the interwar period to describe summer resorts near Warsaw. In what ways holiday trips to such resorts were accounted for? What meanings were a...
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