In a number of interviews, Toni Morrison refers to America as Foreigners’ Home. This conceptualization is linked to the historical processes related to the formation of the New World by immigrants who sought to make Amer...
cific conditions. Founders of The Morskie Oko Theatre, which was the most specific example of Polish interwar revue, consciously broke with the traditional Polish model of artistic cabaret and shaped it on Parisian and A...
Domestication of Foreigner’s Home in Toni Morrison’s Home
In a number of interviews, Toni Morrison refers to America as Foreigners’ Home. This conceptualization is linked to the historical processes related to the formation of the New World by immigrants who sought to make Amer...
Mięsne eros i tanatos. Motyw gnijącego ciała i brutalnego seksu w poezji JiřegoKaráska ze Lvovic
KULTURA POPULARNA 2016 nr 4(46). Cały numer
KULTURA POPULARNA 2016 nr 4(46). Cały numer<br/><br/>
Refleksyjne ciała. Popkulturowe narracje o pięknie
Na antypodach (artystycznego) kabaretu. Specyfika warszawskiej rewii międzywojennej w kontekście globalnych wzorców gatunkowych – rekonesans
cific conditions. Founders of The Morskie Oko Theatre, which was the most specific example of Polish interwar revue, consciously broke with the traditional Polish model of artistic cabaret and shaped it on Parisian and A...