Na antypodach (artystycznego) kabaretu. Specyfika warszawskiej rewii międzywojennej w kontekście globalnych wzorców gatunkowych – rekonesans
Journal Title: Kultura Popularna - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 47
cific conditions. Founders of The Morskie Oko Theatre, which was the most specific example of Polish interwar revue, consciously broke with the traditional Polish model of artistic cabaret and shaped it on Parisian and American revues. The author of the article, however, claims that the specificity of the Polish revue was formed differently than in France or the United States. In these countries revue as a genre, slowly evolving in specific local conditions, significantly expressed narratives specific to the local society, in the United States being even promoted to the sphere reserved for highbrow culture. In Poland revue was introduced already as a globalized genre, detached from its social roots, and in result it had adopted only the most external features of its French or American incarnations. Thus, in Warsaw cabaret began to develop along the bipolar axis defined on one side by the ‘artistic’ cabaret and on another by the ‘vulgar’ revue. The author of the article postulates that this conclusion should serve as a starting point for a deeper study of the sociological content of Warsaw revue.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Jacek Mikołajczyk
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