Człowiek wobec kłamstwa w technologii i technonauce
Journal Title: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny - Year 2018, Vol 63, Issue 3
Development of technoscience and technologies in our times cause a lot of dangers regarding human being. It is happening on an unprecedented scale. Social media can manipulate posts and mediated data. Neuro-science, bio-science and technologies mixed with agencies can lead to manipulation of personal data. Even our brains are in danger because of taking part in computer games. Furthermore, in fact nobody knows how financial markets operate. All this regards people in all the world. These processes are not depending on citizens because are not recognised. Reality is endangered by falsehood: social falsehood. The article shows some of ways can provide stability and clearness in human ethic which oppose these falsehood. This ethic is based on Christian anthropology, in particular two attitudes: solidarity and protest (against badness) in opposite of attitudes conformity and avoidance. Solidarity and protest would ensure security in human ambience, eliminate unfair practices of manipulation, especially in virtual life. In view of technoscience and technologies only return to basic of human existence arouse hope for develop of human being. In spite of this anthropology which is real and positive answer for these dangers everyone have to find exit from these dangerous situations by myself.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Seweryn Łukasz Leszczyński
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