Czwartorzęd Kotliny Krzeszowskiej a problematyka zasięgu lądolodu skandynawskiego w Sudetach Środkowych
Journal Title: Przyroda Sudetów - Year 2017, Vol 20, Issue
Quaternary of the Krzeszów Basin and problems of the Scandinavian ice-sheet limit in the Central Sudetes Assemblages of Quaternary sediments from the Central Sudetes were studied using a multi-proxy approach: geological mapping, well-logs data, LiDAR DEM data as well as petrographic and sedimentological analyses. The study area is located within the Krzeszów Basin, an NNW-SSE elongated syncline built of Permian, Triassic and Upper Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary succession. During the Middle Pleistocene (Elsterian, Sanian2, MIS12) the area experienced a Scandinavian ice-sheet glaciation, resulting in a local topography re-modelling under glacial/periglacial conditions. Hitherto, neither the number of glaciations nor their timing and maximum limits were well documented, leaving several open questions and no consensus among research groups. The main obstacle to proper stratigraphic correlations of the Pleistocene sediments in the Sudetes is their patchy, very often highly re-worked nature. In this paper we present a detailed study of the Pleistocene sediments at the southernmost limit of the Scandinavian ice sheet. With a well logs based isopach map, we roughly estimate the possible paths for the Krzeszów ice-lobe transgression and its influence on the local topography. We also present results of the analysis of petrographic composition of lithofacies and clasts from a new site of Pleistocene sediments near Krzeszówek. Those deposits chiefly correspond to glacial and glaciofluvial sedimentary conditions. Petrographic analysis of 5-10 mm gravel clasts revealed a high content of local material (>60% Cretaceous sandstones and Permian clasts), suggesting NW ice-dependent transport component. The presented results confirm the previously anticipated Scandinavian ice-sheet limit in the Central Sudetes, however with a slight correction which moves it further to the SSE within the Krzeszów Basin.
Authors and Affiliations
Mateusz Pitura, Artur Sobczyk
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