Mało znane formy ruchów masowych w dolinie Węglówki w Górach Bardzkich (Sudety Środkowe)
Journal Title: Przyroda Sudetów - Year 2017, Vol 20, Issue
Little known mass movement forms in the Węglówka valley, Bardzkie Mts (Central Sudetes) The recent analysis of high-resolution LiDAR elevation data allowed to identify numerous, previously unknown landslides in the area of the Bardzkie Mts. This paper focuses on landslides located in the area of the Węglówka basin, south of the town of Bardo. These forms were subject to both morphometric and geological data analysis, combined with field geomorpho-logical mapping. It was found that the observed landslide morphology was probably a result of the earth flows among the cover of glacial clayey deposits. While the age of the forms has not been indisputably defined yet, it is very likely that the landslides occurred during the episode of extreme rainfall in the late 1930s.
Authors and Affiliations
Kacper Jancewicz, Andrzej Traczyk
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