Nowe stanowiska grzybów makroskopijnych w Sudetach i na ich Przedgórzu

Journal Title: Przyroda Sudetów - Year 2018, Vol 21, Issue


New records of macroscopic fungi in the Sudetes and their foothills The article summarises the results of our mycological observations from the Sudetes and their foothills (except Pieńska Valley of the Nysa). Nineteen new records of 13 rare and interesting macroscopic fungi are provided: 3 representatives of sac fungi (Bulgaria inquinans, Tolypocladium ophioglossoides, Verpa bohemica) and 10 species of basidium fungi (Clathrus archeri, Fistulina hepatica, Geastrum saccatum, Lycoperdon echinatum, Porphyrellus porphyrosporus, Ramaria botrytis, Sparassis brevipes, Strobilomyces strobilaceus, Suillus cavipes, Xerocomus rubellus). For forest habitats, phytosociological documentation which provides new information on the habitats of individual species is given.

Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Świerkosz, Kamila Reczyńska, Marek Halama


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How To Cite

Krzysztof Świerkosz, Kamila Reczyńska, Marek Halama (2018). Nowe stanowiska grzybów makroskopijnych w Sudetach i na ich Przedgórzu. Przyroda Sudetów, 21(), 63-76.