Czy analiza transakcyjna może stać się pomocnym "narzędziem" w pracy nauczyciela?

Journal Title: Edukacyjna Analiza Transakcyjna - Year 2013, Vol 2, Issue


Taking into consideration three spheres – economical, sociological and psychological – which have an impact on the image of education, it should be noticed that the support coming from the last of these spheres is the most important for teachers. It is enough to analyze only one area of school ife, i.e. evaluation, to conclude that it generates a lot of emotions and conflicts. Getting to know the basics of transactional analysis, especially the concepts like: ego states, strokes, script, transactions (simple, crossed, duplex), and life positions, may be the beginning of a new approach to relationships (and not just relationships) that take place in school, which in turn may lead to the formation of long-term and positive communication. Perhaps the awareness of the existence of different ego states or transactions will be helpful in reducing conflicts in emotionally difficult situations. Of course, transactional analysis is not a magic cure which heals relationships between people, but this theory can become a useful tool that gives us the ability to analyze not only someone else’s behavior but, first of all, our own. And it can provide teachers with great support in creating their non-narcissistic visions of reality.

Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata Lubańska



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How To Cite

Małgorzata Lubańska (2013). Czy analiza transakcyjna może stać się pomocnym "narzędziem" w pracy nauczyciela?. Edukacyjna Analiza Transakcyjna, 2(), 117-123.