Czy dopuszczalna jest zmiana nazwiska małoletniego w trybie administracyjnym?


In this paper there were analysed the laws of the Act on name and surname change in context of their coherence with the Family and Guardianship Code as well as possible purposefulnes of exemption from the rule of persistence, constancy of surname in the aspect execution the rule of child wellfare and equality of parents’ laws. To ensure the coherence the simple legislative procedure can be carried out, which is to modify the laws so that they contain reference to the appropriate rules or to the Family and Guardianship Code, as it is in case of the Registry Office Record Act. Modification of this kind would ensure the systematical coherence and clarity of law.

Authors and Affiliations

Grażyna Nauka


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How To Cite

Grażyna Nauka (2015). Czy dopuszczalna jest zmiana nazwiska małoletniego w trybie administracyjnym?. Metryka. Studia z zakresu prawa osobowego i rejestracji stanu cywilnego, 0(2), 91-109.