Rejestracja zdarzenia mającego miejsce za granicą a transkrypcja zagranicznych dokumentów stanu cywilnego
Journal Title: Metryka. Studia z zakresu prawa osobowego i rejestracji stanu cywilnego - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 1
Appart from basic registration of events in the field of marital status registration The Registry Office Records Act defines also the forms of specific registration, which is i.a.: preparing of polish vital record on the basis of foreign marital status document. Transcription cases are sett led ex officio or on the request in form of substantive technical activity (e.g. art. 99 paragraph 1 and 105 paragraph 1 of the Registry Office Records Act of the 28 November 2014). The request can be submited directly to the chosen superintendant registrar or by the agency of consul. Entitled to requesting is above all the person who the event or deed concerns, as well as every other person, who proves a legal or actual interest in performing particular activity. Actual interest by registration of the event taking place abroad is taken into account only in case of decease. The legislator precises in the new Act the obligation of submission by the petitioner the documents that undeniably proce that the even took place. The absence of documents confirming the event shall be the cause of issuing the administrative decision about the denial of conducting the activity. Moreover in case of transcription registration of foreign marital status dokument will not be possibile if in the issuing state it is not considered as a marital status dokument, or is not having the force of official document, or is not issued by the right authority, or provokes doubts about its genuineness, or confirms the event different than birth, marriage or decease, as well as when the foreign document came into being as a transcription in the state different as the state of event.
Authors and Affiliations
Piotr Kasprzyk
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