Udowodnienie zarzutu exceptio plurium concumbentium a zmiany podmiotowe po stronie pozwanej w procesie o ustalenie ojcostwa


According to the art. 85 § 1 of the Polish Act Family and Guardianship Code of 25. February 1964 it is alleged that the father of a child is the one, who had a sexual intercourse with the child’s mother no later than in the 300th but at least in 181th day before the birth. The history of exceptio plurium concumbentium charge is already 200 years old and reaches up to the beginning of the XIX century. Th e assuption that in accordance with art. 194 § 1 of the Polish Code of Civil Procedure one can undertake subjective changes by the accussed party in the paternity acknowledgement proceedings does not solve all the problems connected with the plurium concumbentium charge, like for example if its possible to cite a few men, who had a sexual intercourse with the childs mother in the fertile period. To sum up the reflections about the possibility to cite additionally other men in the paternity acknowledgement proceededings one can affirm, that the rule trial economy is in favour of it.

Authors and Affiliations

Barbara Kwiatkowska


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How To Cite

Barbara Kwiatkowska (2014). Udowodnienie zarzutu exceptio plurium concumbentium a zmiany podmiotowe po stronie pozwanej w procesie o ustalenie ojcostwa. Metryka. Studia z zakresu prawa osobowego i rejestracji stanu cywilnego, 0(1), 71-88. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-355316