Czy nauka może być piękna? Status i rola wartości estetycznych w nauce


Considering the rationality or the irrationality of the development of science it is necessary to discuss the role which aesthetic values play in the process of formulating scientific theories. Although certainly not all methodologists or scientists would agree with Peirce’s thesis that the role of aesthetic values is essential and that aesthetics is the basis of methodology, yet the majority would agree – even if with the utmost reluctance – to the statement that the values such as simplicity, coherence and reasonableness are desirable in science. Problems arise when we ask what ontological, axiological and practical status do these values have, more specifically are they (1) characteristics of scientific knowledge, (2) ends of science or maybe (3) means for achieving these ends, i.e. rules and maxims which guide scientists in their research and which therefore play crucial role in scientific decision making processes. but first of all we have to answer the question whether aesthetic values objectively exist and we can only discover them or they are social constructs. My paper is an attempt to find the answers for the above-mentioned questions or at least to systematize the answers which have been already given by others.

Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Dąbrowska


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Katarzyna Dąbrowska (2010). Czy nauka może być piękna? Status i rola wartości estetycznych w nauce. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sectio I Philosophia-Sociologia, 35(2), 31-40.