The article combines the issues of intercultural education with the one presented in museum. The author focuses on the question of creating the positive attitude towards the Other. The first part of the text contains the...
Providing the problems with the exegesis of the philosophers thought, the author tries to recognize the reasons of this situation. She contemplates both the purposeful beclouding as well as the impossibility of giving th...
The article presents the history of the actions of the Orange Alternative, the countercultural movement formed in Wroclaw in the 80’s of the twentieth century. Based on the students’ New Culture Movement, as an alternati...
Plato and Aristotle are Greek philosophers for whom status of their country was very important. However be-tween them there were big differences – more and less obvious. Apart from ontological differences, we can note a...
EP ID EP213941
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How To Cite
Bartłomiej K. Krzych (2017). Czy rzeczywistość posiada strukturę? Część III: Logicyzm i racjonalizm bytowy. Amor Fati, 3(1),
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Inny w obrazach – muzeum jako przestrzeń kształtowania postaw wobec Innych
The article combines the issues of intercultural education with the one presented in museum. The author focuses on the question of creating the positive attitude towards the Other. The first part of the text contains the...
„Wszystko, co powiesz, może być użyte przeciwko Tobie”, czyli o odpowiedzialności etycznej filozofów za słowo pisane
Providing the problems with the exegesis of the philosophers thought, the author tries to recognize the reasons of this situation. She contemplates both the purposeful beclouding as well as the impossibility of giving th...
Happeningi w służbie kontrkultury. Czy pomarańczowe Krasnale zdobyły Twierdzę?
The article presents the history of the actions of the Orange Alternative, the countercultural movement formed in Wroclaw in the 80’s of the twentieth century. Based on the students’ New Culture Movement, as an alternati...
Czy rzeczywistość posiada strukturę? Część II: Realizm i hierarchizm ontologiczny
Co Platon i Arystoteles myśleli o szczęściu
Plato and Aristotle are Greek philosophers for whom status of their country was very important. However be-tween them there were big differences – more and less obvious. Apart from ontological differences, we can note a...