Hysteria, although diagnosed since antiquity, was a disease characteristic for the fin de siècle, and was a phenomenon situated between art and psychiatry. It has been described and documented, among others, by the Frenc...
The article describes the ontological proposals of Institutional theory of law, especially, existence of entities, created by N. MacCormick and O. Weinberger, as well as polish representative of this theory – M. Smolak....
In this article the author argues that in the works of Camus people are particularly associated with vegetation. Joanna Roś analyzes the selected passages from the three literary works by Albert Camus, successively provi...
EP ID EP213941
Views 90
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How To Cite
Bartłomiej K. Krzych (2017). Czy rzeczywistość posiada strukturę? Część III: Logicyzm i racjonalizm bytowy. Amor Fati, 3(1),
180-186. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-213941
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Zwierzę. Człowiek. Nadczłowiek. Myśl antropologiczna Friedricha Nietzschego
Po co w ogóle to całe filozofowanie?
Wątki artystyczne w fotografii histerii Jean-Martina Charcota
Hysteria, although diagnosed since antiquity, was a disease characteristic for the fin de siècle, and was a phenomenon situated between art and psychiatry. It has been described and documented, among others, by the Frenc...
Ontologiczne założenia Instytucjonalnej Teorii Prawa – ujęcie krytyczne
The article describes the ontological proposals of Institutional theory of law, especially, existence of entities, created by N. MacCormick and O. Weinberger, as well as polish representative of this theory – M. Smolak....
Królewskie palmy, drzewa świętojańskie, migdałowce w dolinie konsulów… Kilka refleksji na temat roślinności w twórczości Alberta Camusa
In this article the author argues that in the works of Camus people are particularly associated with vegetation. Joanna Roś analyzes the selected passages from the three literary works by Albert Camus, successively provi...