Czynniki ryzyka stylów myślenia przestępczego nieletnich

Journal Title: Polskie Forum Psychologiczne - Year 2014, Vol 19, Issue 2


The discussed research concept is included in the wider stream of issues considering mechanisms of criminogenesis in juvenile delinquents with simultaneous settlement in cognitive psychology paradigm. The basic assumption for the following concept is Glenn Walters’s theory of criminal thinking styles. It claims that in case of a person with criminal functioning, there is a specific way of thinking which is reflected in 8 criminal thinking styles. Referring to Walters’s premises and principles of cognitive psychology it has been accepted that human cognitive system and consequently all dysfunctional beliefs have been established in consideration with physical, social and psychological conditions. Integration-interaction research perspective is concentrated on person’s interaction with internal and external environment. Research aim was to find out which variables are the risk factors for separate thinking styles. It turned out that both psychosocial mothers’ functioning and personality juvenile delinquents’ features are predictors of criminal thinking styles. Especially important role is given to parental attitudes. Important conclusion is that upbringing practices contribute to development of emotional behavior problems of the child. Upbringing practices are the source of the pathological development in cognitive, emotional and control functions. It means that parental behavior is the sort of the connection between their difficult experience and child’s problems. Thus, the role of social environment becomes indisputable for cognitive distortions. Key words: juvenile delinquent, criminal thinking styles, cognitive distortion

Authors and Affiliations

Magdalena Rode


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  • EP ID EP168486
  • DOI 10.14656/PFP20140206
  • Views 46
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How To Cite

Magdalena Rode (2014). Czynniki ryzyka stylów myślenia przestępczego nieletnich. Polskie Forum Psychologiczne, 19(2), -.