Społeczno-kulturowe postawy wobec własnego wyglądu i niezadowolenie z ciała u kobiet i mężczyzn w okresie późnej adolescencji: badania wstępne
Journal Title: Polskie Forum Psychologiczne - Year 2016, Vol 21, Issue 3
The aim of the study was to evaluate (1) the sociocultural aspect of body image (media pressure and athletic internalization) and body dissatisfaction and (2) the relationship between media pressure, athletic internalization, body mass index and body dissatisfaction among females and males in late adolescence. The study included 34 women and 30 men aged from 17 to 19. All participants completed the Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire 3 (Thompson et al., 2004) and the Contour Drawing Rating Scale (Thompson, Gray, 1995). Females reported significantly greater dissatisfaction with their appearance than their male counterparts and significantly greater media pressure to Change their body shape. However, men reported higher values on internalization of the athletic-ideal body shape than women. Results revealed a moderate positive correlation between body dissatisfaction and media pressure to Change body shape in female sample. In addition, in both groups body dissatisfaction was related to body mass index. Taking into account, obtained results, it is necessary to create effective programs to increase awareness of body image among people in late adolescence.
Authors and Affiliations
Kamila Czepczor, Katarzyna Kościcka, Anna Brytek-Matera
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