Da sala de aula para prática: uma experiência entre fotogramas e câmera pinhole
Journal Title: BIBLOS: Revista do Instituto de Ciencias Humanas & da Informacao - Year 2014, Vol 28, Issue 3
This article presents the results obtained in the discipline of Introduction to Photography Technique given to the first class of course Archivology the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. This work aims at showing the step by step procedures used in photographic antiquity, such as: Development of photograms; Construction and implementation of Pinhole Camera. We sought to divide the methodological procedures in five stages, the first is to the elaboration of the photogram, while the second works on the revelation of the photogram, as the third stage, this is to the elaboration of Pinhole Camera. The fourth step is the execution of the Pinhole Camera, and finally the fifth and last stage is the revelation of the images obtained. We tried to bring on literature revision discussions authors of photographic area, on photograms and also about the Dark Camera, also known as Pinhole Camera. This work sought to portray and present to the academic community activities developed in the discipline, such as: elaboration of photograms, making Pinhole Camera, revelation of images taken in those cases. It is understood as a primary objective the analysis of the results obtained during the discipline concomitant and presents them through this work to the academic community.
Authors and Affiliations
Wendel Gibbon de Oliveira| Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG
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