This article presents a theoretical conceptualization of risk phenomenon and the results of pilot research on student’s attitudes to risk. Research data was collected by semi-structured interview method and processed by...
Word games are a simple and fun way to spend time. It helps to improve a person’s vocabulary, expand erudition, train memory and intelligence, and develop logic and associative thinking. There exist different types of wo...
Akademinėje tarptautinių santykių literatūroje tarptautinių sąveikų Europos žemyne visuma dažnai apibūdinama kaip regioninė tarptautinė visuomenė, t. y. žemesnio nei globalus (regioninio) lygmens socialinė sistema. Socio...
In this research we made an attempt to study the problem of choosing the profession of a “social pedagogue” by students. The research is based on the theory of motives, the theory of choosing educational occupation, and...
Gintarė Kulbeckienė, Ada Alejūnaitė (2013). Darbuotojų požiūris į gandus organizacijoje. Jaunųjų mokslininkų darbai, 39(1),
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Risk Perception: Students’ Attitudes
This article presents a theoretical conceptualization of risk phenomenon and the results of pilot research on student’s attitudes to risk. Research data was collected by semi-structured interview method and processed by...
Research of Word Search Algorithms based on relational database
Word games are a simple and fun way to spend time. It helps to improve a person’s vocabulary, expand erudition, train memory and intelligence, and develop logic and associative thinking. There exist different types of wo...
Akademinėje tarptautinių santykių literatūroje tarptautinių sąveikų Europos žemyne visuma dažnai apibūdinama kaip regioninė tarptautinė visuomenė, t. y. žemesnio nei globalus (regioninio) lygmens socialinė sistema. Socio...
Profession “Social Pedagogue”: Research on Students’ Motives for Choosing iT
In this research we made an attempt to study the problem of choosing the profession of a “social pedagogue” by students. The research is based on the theory of motives, the theory of choosing educational occupation, and...
Kūno kultūros mokytojo profesinė pozicija pamokoje: skatuliai ir trikdžiai