Darwinowskie podziały. Papież, kardynał, jezuita i ewoluująca debata nad pochodzeniem
Journal Title: Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy - Year 2006, Vol 2, Issue
Jest to komentarz do artykułu kardynała Christopha Schönborna, Odnajdywanie zamysłu w przyrodzie, oraz do artykułu Ojca George'a Coyne'a, Przypadek jako metoda Boskiego stwarzania.
Authors and Affiliations
Martin Hilbert
SETI and Intelligent Design
Proponents of intelligent design theory frequently claim that their theory is analogical to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) program and, as a consequence, it has scientific character. However, author...
The Demarcation of Science and Religion
Author analyzes attempts to draw a demarcation line between science and religion. He presents arguments of proponents of the idea of strict separation of these domains and indicates flaws of this approach. He suggest als...
Odpowiedź dyskutantom
W odpowiedzi dowodzi się, po pierwsze, że argument probabilistyczny jest chybiony, o ile nie jest uzupełniony dodatkowymi przesłankami materialnymi. Po drugie, pokazuje się, że argumenty z laboratorium, organów szczątkow...
So You Think You Are a Darwinian?
Most educated people nowadays, I believe, think of themselves as Darwinians. If they do, however, it can only be from ignorance: from not knowing enough about what Darwinism says. For Darwinism says many things, especial...
Confrontations Between Theists and Atheists
The commentary focuses on Gould’s idea of NOMA, according to which science and theology are two Non-Overlapping Magisteria. The term “non-overlapping” is appropriate because methods of validation of claims in these two f...