Data Security by AES Advanced Encryption Standard
Journal Title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development - Year 2021, Vol 5, Issue 5
Now a days with the rapid development of multimedia technologies, research on safety and security are becoming more important. Multimedia data are generated and transmitted through the communication channels and the wireless media. The efficiencies of encryption based on different existing algorithms are not up to the satisfactory limit. Hence researchers are trying to modify the existing algorithm or even develop new algorithms that help to increase security with a little encryption time. Here in this paper, we have furnished a new technology to modify the AES algorithm which gives more security with a little encryption time and which can be used to encrypt using 128 bit key. Theoretical analysis on the proposed algorithm with the existing reveals the novelty of our work. Here we have proposed a technique to randomize the key and hidden the key data into an encrypted digital image using the basics concept of cryptography and also using the concept of digital watermarking, the concept of key hide has also been encrypted. We have also proposed a new technique to reposition the pixels to break the correlation between them. So, the proposed scheme offers a more secure and cost effective mechanism for encryption. Next on the AES criteria list good performance. Widespread market adoption will require reasonably good performance on a variety of platforms, ranging from easy tocrack smart cards to the largest servers. Good algorithm performance includes speed for the encryption and decryption process as well as the key schedule. Prateek Goyal | Ms. Shalini Bhadola | Ms. Kirti Bhatia "Data Security by AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-5 , August 2021, URL: Paper URL:
Authors and Affiliations
Prateek Goyal | Ms. Shalini Bhadola | Ms. Kirti Bhatia
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