Dbałość o właściwy styl życia ludzi młodych w ujęciu Świadków Jehowy
Journal Title: Studia Ełckie - Year 2018, Vol 20, Issue 1
The moral teaching of Jehovah’s Witnesses about the proper lifestyle emphasizes, above all, due relations with parents and peers, entertainment and concern for the health of adolescents. In the articles of the Society of the Watchtower, the authors of the magazines emphasize that young people choose such friends for whom moral values are the basic measure of Christian life. The attitude of humiliation towards parents should result from purely religious reasons, and disobedience results in suspicion, lack of trust and abandonment of spiritual practices. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that young people reach for stimulants to alleviate problems. Regardless of the consequences, they destroy health and ruin their own future. The young man begins to compensate for the lack of due love by reaching for the drug. Young people use free time not always in a constructive way. They play sports, but often for vain competition and fame. They listen to loud music isolating themselves from external stimuli. They often fall into gambling and pornography, making themselves slaves of their own mistakes and falls. According to Jehovahʼs Witnesses, these symptoms mean “last days”. Only those who reject moral contamination can expect a beautiful future.
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Bondzio
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