Decentralization and Delimitation of Empowerment between State Management Levels in Kazakhstan
Journal Title: Університетські наукові записки - Year 2015, Vol 14, Issue 1
Issues on the decentralization and differentiation of rights and opportunities between levels of public administration in Kazakhstan are considered. Also, the stages of formation of state regulations of the economy are described. In many countries, there is a trend towards the decentralization of power through the transferring of functions, power and responsibility from the central to the local government and civil society institutions. Decentralization is more often considered as a tool for the direct involvement of local communities in the creation and funding of government programs, improving of the efficiency of the administrative system and, as a consequence - to the further development of human potential. Kazakhstan, as well as the other CIS countries, inherited a centralized system of public administration, economy and society from the former Soviet Union. In the first years after the independence in 1991, the establishment of the state foundation, consolidation of the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity became the priority goals for the Republic of Kazakhstan. At this stage, the centralization of state power was justified. However, in the long term, an excessive centralization of power impedes the further development of the country and creates the risk of strategic retarding from her nearest neighbors. In this regard, an important task was the transferring of functions and power of the center, as well as responsibility in addressing most of the issues of territorial development to the local level of government. It also appoints on the shortcomings and the problems that are currently valid in the public administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as presents the results of functional analysis of basic legal provisions and perspective plans to improve the system of public administration.
Authors and Affiliations
Myrzageldy KEMEL
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