Declared Criminal at Birth: Imposition of Stigma of Criminality with special reference to Kharia Sabaras of Purulia, West Bengal, India45


Being one of the earliest residents of India Sabaras are engraved in the deep darkness of human civilization even at the first quarter of 21 st century. The Kharia Sabaras, one branch of Sabaras are concentrated in the hills, plateaus and infertile rugged terrain of West Bengal, Jharkhand and Orissa. They are the earliest as well as most backward tribe of India. Archival studies prove that Kharias origin is much older than Aryan civilization like other Kolarian tribes. Contrary to the other Kolarian tribes they are most backward. Social ostricities and stigma have kept them away from the mainstream civilization. Therefore, they are easily subjugated and exploited by the surrounding permanent settlers. They were stigmatized as criminal tribe by the British rulers that is still continuing even after seventy years of Independence. Thus, they were thrown away from the mainstream civilization.

Authors and Affiliations

Sarbajit Kumar Ghosh, Dr. Sanat Kumar Guchhait


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How To Cite

Sarbajit Kumar Ghosh, Dr. Sanat Kumar Guchhait (2017). Declared Criminal at Birth: Imposition of Stigma of Criminality with special reference to Kharia Sabaras of Purulia, West Bengal, India45. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 6(9), 45-51.