Defectoscopic Tests of Smoke Mortar Charges
Journal Title: Problemy Mechatroniki. Uzbrojenie, lotnictwo, inżynieria bezpieczeństwa - Year 2015, Vol 6, Issue 3
There are presented selected results of defectoscopic tests on smoke charges confined in the metallic containers inserted in the bodies of 98 mm mortar bombs, using Real Time Rentegenoscopy (RTR) and infrared (IR) thermography. Special attention was taken in terms of structural homogenity and integrity of the smoke charges and their adherence to the containers. The smoke mortar charges were examined before and after field tests including bursting of 98 mm mortar bombs under static firing conditions. Tested mortar bombs were fired without ignition of the smoke charges. As a result of mortar bombs bursting, rear parts of their bodies with fin stabilizers, were separated from the remaining, cylindrical parts of the bodies. After bursting of the mortar bombs, the smoke charges were expelled from the cylindrical parts of the mortar bomb bodies, then the smoke charge flew with the parachute and finally it dropped onto the ground.
Authors and Affiliations
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