
The aim is to generalize and improve knowledge about the financial security of financial market participants. The object of research is the process of ensuring the financial security of financial market participants in their functioning in the conditions of influence of destabilizing factors. The subject of research is the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the financial security of financial market participants.In the article the latent semantic analysis of the relationship between the terms "financial security" and "risk". Problem areas the problem of determining the semantic load connection between the economic categories of "financial security" and "risk" presented at the conceptual level in the form of ER-diagrams. The author defined the principal features of types of financial security and the risk of entities, concluded that their direct and inverse proportion. These findings in the article are based on tested and proven methods of submission and processing of information. The findings, presented in the article, give grounds to assert that the market participant's efforts to achieve maximum financial results are in the highest risk zone with a minimum level of security.The author argues that the process of ensuring the financial security of financial market participant is continuous in time, its evolution proceeds according to the basic laws of dialectical development; essence of the process of ensuring the financial security of participants in the financial market is in a constant search for the optimal balance between financial performance and its attendant risks.The study results allow to obtain the scientific idea of the conditions and mechanisms of interaction of subjects and objects of the market, open up opportunities for a more clear definition of tasks and financial security policy requirements of its members

Authors and Affiliations

R. Snishchenko


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How To Cite

R. Snishchenko (2016). DEFINITION SEMANTIC LOAD THE LINKS BETWEEN ECONOMIC CATEGORY "FINANCIAL SECURITY" AND "RISK". Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка, 6(11), 7-15.