
У статті виокремлено п’ять груп ключових детермінантів для оцінювання економічної безпеки нафтопереробного підприємства в контексті компетентністного підходу. Проведено девіаційний аналіз системи забезпечення економічної безпеки нафтопереробних підприємств. На основі розрахунку комплексного показника економічної безпеки визначено її рівень на досліджуваних нафтопереробних підприємств. Over the last 10 years the state of national oil products market was characterized by structural changes in the direction of import increasing, reducing of production volumes, increasing of national oil products markets dependence from foreign producers and, as a result, exacerbating threats to economic security for oil refining enterprises. Considering competence as a subjective possibility of an employee of a certain qualification to perform work of the corresponding complexity level, in the research it was expedient to estimate qualitative and quantitative indicators of the influential determinants of the micro level of the oil refining enterprises’ economic security as a result of such management. In this article it was identified five groups of key determinants for assessing the economic safety of oil refining enterprise in the context of a competent approach. It was conducted the deviation analysis of the economic safety system of oil refining enterprises. Based on the calculation of the economic security complex indicator, it was determined the level of researched oil refining enterprises as pre-crisis and critical. The composition of the key determinants of the oil refining enterprise was based on the development of threshold values, which was carried out taking into account global trends and average values of indicators for the oil industry. The analysis and evaluation of the EB level was carried out by the following companies: Kremenchug Oil Refinery (PJSC "Ukrtatnafta"); Shebelinsky Refinery (PJSC "Ukrgazvydobuvannya"); Odessa Oil Refinery (PJSC "Lukoil-Odesa Refinery"). It was no group of key determinants in the Kremenchug and Shebelinsky refineries is in line with the stable state of the oil refining enterprises economic security under study. Complex index of Odessa Oil Refinery economic security had no threats until 2013. The economic security evaluation of oil refining enterprises in conditions of unstable market environment, it was possible to identify the main problems posing external threats for its provision. The result of research is the improvement of scientific and methodological provisions about the evaluation of the economic security level of oil refining enterprises on the principles of competence management, which involves the application of developed criteria for the deviation analysis of the integrated economic security indicator, and, unlike the existing ones, takes into account the integral coefficient of financial security as a system tool for forecasting bankruptcy of the enterprise.

Authors and Affiliations

О. С. Ченуша


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О. С. Ченуша (2018). ДЕВІАЦІЙНИЙ АНАЛІЗ СИСТЕМИ ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ ЕКОНОМІЧНОЇ БЕЗПЕКИ НАФТОПЕРЕРОБНИХ ПІДПРИЄМСТВ УКРАЇНИ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка, 8(16), 27-37. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-573378