Деградация охоты и охотников
Journal Title: Zoophilologica. Polish Journal of Animal Studies - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 4
The degradation of hunting and hunters The author of the article discusses the history of the moral degradation of hunting in the former USSR, in Ukraine and in Russia mainly on the basis of a critical overview of the hunting press. Criticism is directed against the practice of the defence of hunting by means of squealing.
Authors and Affiliations
Władimir Borejko
O zwrocie zwierzęcym we współczesnej Rosji [Альманах „Русский мiръ. Пространство и время русской культуры”. Мiръ животных. Тематический выпуск. «Русская культура», Санкт‑Петербург 2015 (publikacja rosyjskojęzyczna, wydana w twardej oprawie, 379 stron)]
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