Образы домашних и диких животных в польских, русских и украинских паремиях

Journal Title: Zoophilologica. Polish Journal of Animal Studies - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 2


Images of Domestic and Wild Animals in Polish, Russian and Ukrainian Paremiaes Animalisms as the animalistic components of paremiaes play an important role in the semantic codes in Paremiology. The comparative and contrastive analysis of animalisms in the structure of Polish, Russian and Ukrainian paremiaes with the use of a biocentric approach allows us to describe the general and specific features of behaviour and characters that exist in the most widespread paremic images of wild and domestic animals. The animalistic images are typical of: the Polish, Russian and Ukrainian culture. The process of describing each category of animal which takes place in the paremiologic units supports the reconstruction of fragments of a linguistic world‑image and allows us to observe a correlation between such concepts as Animal and Human Being.

Authors and Affiliations

Nadiia Melnyk


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Nadiia Melnyk (2016). Образы домашних и диких животных в польских, русских и украинских паремиях. Zoophilologica. Polish Journal of Animal Studies, 2(2), 237-249. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-507169