Demand for forest biomass and possibilities for its harvesting in Poland.


The rising demand for energy and the need to acquire ever more energy quantities from renewable sources call for seeking energy sources in forestry. The analysis presents a simulation of wood quantities needed to meet the obligation to produce electricity from woody biomass. Three sources of energy were specified, which can be delivered to power plants: medium dimensional round firewood, small dimensional firewood and logging residues. The calculated quantity of wood required by the industrial energy sector will reach 15 million cu. meters. Forestry will be able to directly supply about 5.8 mill. cu. meters of wood for energy purposes, including 3.1 mill. cu. m of medium dimensional roundwood, 1.4 mill. cu. m of small dimensional wood and 1.35 mill. cu. m of woody material in the form of logging residues. The largest quantities of woody material will come from western and northern parts of the country. Taking into account the fact that considerable quantities of wood suitable for energy purposes are currently utilized for heating by rural communities, not much will be left for the industrial energy sector.

Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Jabłoński, Włodzimierz Stempski


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  • EP ID EP220351
  • DOI 10.17306/J.AFW.2015.1.3
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How To Cite

Krzysztof Jabłoński, Włodzimierz Stempski (2015). Demand for forest biomass and possibilities for its harvesting in Poland.. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Silvarum Colendarum Ratio et Industria Lignaria, 14(1), 31-38.