Demographic crisis and destruction of social infrastructure are in Ukrainian village in 1991-2001

Journal Title: Eminak - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue 1


Processes that took place in the social environment of the Ukrainian peasantry are analysed. Found out row of factors of deepening of demographic crisis on a village: fall-off of standard of life of rural population; substantial worsening him medical service and increase of morbidity; distribution of unemployment; reduction to the amount of marriages and increase of broad patterns; strengthening of depopulation. Reduction to the quantity of rural population that associated is investigational, except natural factors, also with administrative-territorial transformations: tacking of some villages to the cities, by the grant of municipal status to the settlements. In Ukraine simultaneously there was a decline of birth-rate and increase of death rate. General coefficient of birth-rate, that was determined by the amount of births went down, and was most subzero for all post-war period. The general index of marriages went down constantly, the amount of broad patterns grew accordingly during in 1990th. Such circumstances could not affect general rates of natural recreation of rural population. The indexes of death rate of peasants grew. The amount of the dead peasants increased, and the coefficient of death rate rose. This dynamics appeared an especially speed-up in the first half of 1990th, when a socio-economic crisis on a village acquired total character. The most dead was people years old. A village occupied one of the first places (after miners) after the level of death rate from accidents. Principal reason of this phenomenon is subzero productive discipline in agricultural enterprises. Over one third of mortal cases it happened through a drunkenness. To the dangerous factors it follows to add the state of technique. Natural motion of rural population restrained temper worsening of quality indexes of his health. For Ukraine became characteristic high, comparatively with other states, level of disability of citizens. Worsening of demographic situation was predetermined by migratory motion of rural population. Migratory losses continued to undermine natural basis of demographic recreating processes on a village. Many future parents and mothers were ost these same. Beginning from 1991, the migratory motion of peasants after the influence on the general dynamics of reduction of rural population began to yield to the depopulation processes. Intergovernmental migration was characterized by the change of citizenship and departure not only in the countries of the West but also to near abroad, mainly to Russia. There were quality changes in descriptions of labour potential of village. Participating of rural population in a public production and personal subsidiary economy was accompanied by the low level of the labour productivity. It is educed that on a village busy was far less working, than given in official statistical editions. Maintenance of the hidden unemployment in a considerable measure was assisted by barter calculations that came true by agricultural enterprises, succeeding to the hidden exploitation of labour force.Forming of patterns of ownership and organization of production stipulated appearance of new social layers on a village.

Authors and Affiliations

Lyudmyla Hryashchevskaya


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How To Cite

Lyudmyla Hryashchevskaya (2017). Demographic crisis and destruction of social infrastructure are in Ukrainian village in 1991-2001. Eminak, 4(1), 91-95.