Depósito legal no Piauí: histórico, finalidades, e importância


This article has as main objective to introduce the law of legal deposit as well as disseminate its importance and purpose. To this end, discusses the historical context which enabled his rise, introducing the same in the Brazilian context, as well as in the State of Piauí in the Northeast region. Finally, talks about the importance of following law as a mechanism for the preservation of cultural heritage. In order to achieve the objective on the agenda, we utilize a methodological proposal of analytical studies with theme-related approaches, as the law n° 10. 994, law nº 5,554 and theorists like Alves and Managaz (1987), Le Goff (2003), Campello (2006), Abreu (2012), among others. Our study part of the premise that the more individuals knowledgeable of the law, the greater the likelihood for compliance, once they've been presented in another survey of our authorship not becomes effective in Piauí level by the misinformation of those responsible for the deposit. It is believed that the Act of knowing, greater awareness will have those sayings responsible for complying with the Act and especially about its purpose is to ensure the preservation of the memory of a people.

Authors and Affiliations

Lucas Veras de Andrade| Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Teresina (SEMEC)


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How To Cite

Lucas Veras de Andrade (2014). Depósito legal no Piauí: histórico, finalidades, e importância. BIBLOS: Revista do Instituto de Ciencias Humanas & da Informacao, 28(2), 47-58.