Recuperação inteligente da informação e ontologias: um levantamento na área da Ciência da Informação


This article identifies the application of mechanisms of Intelligent Information Retrieval that uses Ontology as resource in the necessary and efficient information retrieval. It discourses on the information retrieval as possible and concrete resource of the meeting between a formulated question, stored information and the necessary and efficient return to the user. Equally, it discourses on ontology as the representation of a conception, a set of concepts studied, analyzed and specified on a given domain. An inquiry in the “Portal de Periódicos da CAPES”, investigating an expression of search “intelligent information retrieval and ontology” in the context of the Science of Information is conducted, presenting results and discussion. It concludes that the retrieval was positive in four articles, confirming the necessity of implementation and update of the mechanisms of search in “portais”, directories and database and further studies.

Authors and Affiliations

Gleisy Regina Bories Fachin


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How To Cite

Gleisy Regina Bories Fachin (2009). Recuperação inteligente da informação e ontologias: um levantamento na área da Ciência da Informação. BIBLOS: Revista do Instituto de Ciencias Humanas & da Informacao, 23(1), 259-283.